Girl Power: Le Tigre Returns to Support Hillary Clinton

letigre2Well, I guess we know who the members of Le Tigre are voting for. It’s been several years since we’ve heard anything new from the three-piece group. The left-wing, feminist, LGBT supporters have plenty of material to work with this election season as far as sociopolitical song writing goes. It isn’t so often that bands put out music that blatantly supports a candidate these days. Le Tigre has filled that void and officially returned with the pro-Hillary Clinton song “I’m With Her.

Opening with a cheer, in typical Le Tigre fashion, the group chants: “Who do we want? We want HRC!” The track compares the vision and plan of “pantsuit-wearing herstorical first-timer” Clinton, with her “fascist bottom feeder” opponent’s lack thereof.  Kathleen Hanna, Johanna Fateman and JD Samson have never been shy about sharing their views. Their pro-Clinton, anti-Trump anthem both welcomes support and prepares for battle at the same time.

The DIY-style video features all three members awkwardly dancing, shouting their song’s lyrics and of course donning their very own pantsuits. Clips from various feminist protests and images of kitty cats (pun intended?) complete the simple but strong message Le Tigre is sending. They “don’t want a sexist; it’s 2016!”

Check out the video that is sure to rattle a few cages below.


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