Chaos and Zen: The Battle Between Them

Author: Travis Ferkich

Today I write this article for everything I stand for. I stand for the little moments of transformation, found in the corridors of clarity sought out by blissful creatures. I stand for the midnight sets of my favorite artists and the 7 AM yoga classes. I stand for the beauty that brings us together to celebrate the conscious collective, that is our generation and the next. I stand for you as you stand for me.

Photograph courtesy of Sobokeh. All rights reserved.

Since this is my first article with MusicFestNews, I’ve decided to pour it all out on front street. The past ten years of my life, I’ve found myself caught between the moments of musical bliss on the sublime grounds of many festivals. In these moments, music festivals have been a place for me to let go of my daily grind and unwind to something deeper that my soul craves. I’m thankful for the days and nights of destiny, spent on the campgrounds rocking and swaying to the beat of the drums, playing songs to sooth my soul. Zen Awakening 2016 held some very special experiences in my life, where I’ve been blessed to cross paths with many others searching for the very same thing.

Photograph courtesy of Sobokeh. All rights reserved.

Down the dusty trails and bumpy roads, transformations took place within the sacred valley in Wildwood, Florida. This year the Zen Awakening Festival offered clarity for a few lucky participants who looked past the fabrication of chaotic events in between. As I gazed down the sights of bliss, I found family in all forms. Seeking out harmony through the balance of my emotions, there were times where I was blessed to stumble upon this feeling. It could be found through the gaze of another into the depths of my soul or at late night sets like Space Jesus blessing us with musical melodies.

Photograph courtesy of Sobokeh. All rights reserved.

As I bobbed and weaved beyond the K-holes and rips in space-time continuum, I found that there were pieces missing to the puzzle. Throughout the years of Zen Awakening and its progression, there have been missing chapters to the story. This year we faced the disappearance of an entire stage, delayed set times, false promises, and a sound ordinance that cut the music off at midnight. After speaking with one of the organizers of the festival on the hot topic of the music coming to an abrupt halt in the middle of the night, he stated that there was no actual noise ordinance. The city stated that if there are complaints by one of the nearby homes, it would be in their best interest to turn down the music. As someone who has planned events such as this, all the way from vending to attending, the possibility of music turning off during the weekend’s events would be a no-go for me. These things need to be addressed, because I believe the people should get what they pay for.

Photograph courtesy of Sobokeh. All rights reserved.

Transformational festivals hold a certain stigma about them, and it’s up to the ones in charge to make sure things go off without a hitch. Yes, I do understand there are hitches, but there are some things you can avoid. As both a spectator of the event, vendor, and media outlet, I wasn’t too thrilled to see the actions of the ones who took the time to put this together. I would understand if this was a one-time occurrence, but this isn’t the first incident. It’s actually tough for me to convey these words, due to my positive nature. I only want what’s best for everyone involved, and I believe it’s time we address the elephant in the room.

Photograph courtesy of Sobokeh. All rights reserved.

The elephant I speak of is the individuals who believe that they can cut corners and get by exploiting people’s forgiving nature. As a soul who seeks out the highest form of the clearest consciousness, I have trouble turning a blind eye to the ones who see this as money and material. Let me be clear, though, I’m not stating that the producers of Zen Awakening only see dollar bills and material growth. I’m conveying that if it means as much to me as it should to them, the oversights and premeditated mistakes would not happen. What I’m shouting through the computer screens and keyboards is that the people in charge take the time to really see the purpose of this event. It’s to provide a tranquil environment, a certain zen-like vibe that this festival was actually named after. It’s sometimes tough for a few to be let down, fed the promises of a unique experience, only to swallow the pill of disappointment.

Photograph courtesy of Sobokeh. All rights reserved.

A few specifics: The event was moved to the Wildwood location two weeks before the event. The new location is an offroad vehicle course, very dangerous for foot traffic. Stages had zero signage or directions, let alone lit paths through mud and rocks. Drug use seemed to belie the true nature of the fest. It was a gross misrepresentation of a transformational festival

With all this being said, I would like to shift back to all the love that was produced beyond the mishaps. Silhouettes of blissfulness were strung together by the ones able to move past these occurrences. Blood, sweat, and tears were poured into the moments of madness, only to find a certain stillness within the self. I found myself transfixed in the joy of many new faces, sharing their journeys through the wakefulness of spirit. I had the pleasure to hold space with a collective of souls that battled through the rough terrains of rocky grounds in order to raise awareness of what we’re searching for. Personally I felt the shift of my consciousness through the calming meditations and rhythmic music brought to us by so many wonderful people.
Photograph courtesy of Sobokeh. All rights reserved.

Civil wars for the soul were on display in the hearts of many, as light ultimately prevailed in each of their journeys. Zen Awakening held true to its name, as I witnessed the sparks of divinity ignited in the spirits of many. Transformations took place as the kindling fire matched the beating of a multitude of drums and early morning tranquility of the sunrise sets. We lifted one another beyond the aspects of ego-driven desires and sought a consciousness that did not require the daily duties we’re forced to live within.

So I’m here to leave you with this conclusion. It’s that no matter what we’re faced with in life, remember to overcome the obstacles. To understand that the decisions we make hold a lesson for all of us to learn. Transformational festivals are just that. It’s the growth of self, whether you’re the organizer of the event or just some hippy seeking a blissful experience.

Photograph courtesy of Sobokeh. All rights reserved.

Now it’s time to understand what it is you see through the looking glass of your reflective self, found on the grounds of this music festival. Ask yourself: what is it that transpired through the inspired series of selective seconds that spiked the soul into this present moment. Find the answers to the questions you were inwardly reflecting, through the external projection of your mirrored inception to find the reality in this illusion.

All photographs courtesy of Sobokeh. All rights reserved.

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