You KNOW you wanna FUNK Cancer!

The last time the Central Florida musical family convened, it was in benefit for Darryl Quesenberry at the Keepin’ D Funky show at The Amsterdam in St. Petersburg in August. It was a glorious day, the result of cooperation and collaboration by numerous fine bands, vendors, organizers and the most gracious owners of The ‘Dam, Zoie Torres and John Cullen.


Brace yourself for Round Two, as we prepare to FUNK Cancer! The ‘Dam is once again the site of this celebration and fundraising, and events start early, as in Thursday night (probably today, by the time you read this oh-so-tardy preview). Here is the press release about the FUNK Cancer Mural Pre-Party:

“We’re back at it, and this year is going to be even funkier than last! We raised over $4,000 last October, and this year we’re hoping to double the amount! Our good friend Patti VanBuskirk has offered to do a mural about cancer awareness. Her talented team of artists are ready to bring the FUNK and make you a part of it! $5.00 at the door includes the live music and a chance for you to add your part to the mural. ALL money raised that night goes towards FUNK Cancer’s goal!!”

Thursday’s mural pre-party features music by The Happy Campers and Ajeva. In the event that, somehow, you haven’t heard the joyous sounds of The Happy Campers, get ready! Funk, rock, reggae and pizza are in your future, courtesy of Sean Maloney, Andy Lyle, Colins Getts, and Joey Colella. And Ajeva probably has bunkbeds in the back of The ‘Dam, being as they are the de facto house band (well deserved). MORE funk, rock reggae and I’m not sure about the pizza.

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Friday is the Mural Pre-Party, Night Two, this time featuring the rollin’ and tumblin’ Corbitt Brothers from Jacksonville. If you have not yet seen and heard the premier harp player on the scene today (nope, not that other guy), be sure you check out Isaac Corbitt. He can make that harp sing like an entire orchestra. You will be knocked out.

Saturday is the full house, with music inside and out throughout the day and into the evening. It is deluxe to have Copious Jones, from Atlanta but apparently trying to establish residence here in Florida, as the headliners. This superb quartet has rocked so many area festivals, from Bear Creek (yes, I’m still crying) and Gov-Fest to the Great Outdoors Jam and numerous other shows.

Ajeva returns for another bouncing set, and Holey Miss Moley plays as well, a suitable warm-up for their much-deserved debut at Hulaween! And there is lots more funk where that came from in the form of Green Sunshine, blending excellent music with superb lyrics and vocals. Serotonic piles on with their nasty funk and jazz with huge dollops of rock as well.

The Real Clash is ready for you with “hip-hop redefined,” while Row Jomah continues to delight with music from their recent album release Cat People, lyrically and sonically wonderful. NoNeed plays reggae-rock-fusion. They were part of the Keepin’ D Funky benefit, as were Ajeva, Holey Miss Moley and Row Jomah.

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Meg Shannon and her guitar will be in the spotlight with her soulful music, and Ella Jet brings her acoustic folk-rock to The ‘Dam. That rounds out an incredible day with ten acts to keep you happy.

Did we mention amazing beer and wine at The ‘Dam? Because they just plain rock!

Your family needs you — and your support — to FUNK Cancer! Please stop by, for an hour, a while, the whole day!

I mean, somebody’s gotta keep me awake!

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