Earthdance Florida: Plant Peace, Plant Roots, Grow Love

Earthdance Florida opens this Friday at a new venue — Triple Canopy Ranch in Lake Wales. The beautiful location will host three days of music (September 21-23), theater, presenters, healers, live visual installations, interactive environments and sound stages, cutting-edge laser and light shows, free-range silent disco, live mural artists and installations, roaming Kreaturez and parades, sacred fire, nightly drum circles, interactive theme camps, family camp area and kid’s environment with playshops, full-beverage bars 21+, craft and food vendors, and a global synchronized prayer for peace with 100 other Earthdance events across the globe.

There is also a turntables pre-party Thursday evening (tonight).

There will also be presentations by Florida’s leading experts on environmental topics including: Social and Environmental Awareness, Spiritual and Healing Modalities, Educational Panels and Inspirational Workshops, and Non-Profit Initiative Awareness and Activism Coordination,

It is billed as Earthdance Florida: An Art, Music, Energy Festival for World Peace. RadioCave will present a live broadcast of multiple Earthdances around the world.

Keynote speakers include Mike Rosenfeld, Mitchell Gomez, Jai Maa, Dr. Love, and Valerie Silidker.

You will enjoy visuals by Paranormal Algorithm, Centurion Army, MC Motive, and Cory van Valin.

Music? 50 bands from the amazing Florida community! The Supervillains, DJ Icey, Uncle John’s Band, The Reality, Sonic Stew, Mountain Holler, Mayapuris Kirtan Band, Kimball Collins, Laser Assassins, TL Jentgens, Magic Mike, Brett Bass & Melted Plectrum, Monk, Brian Busto, and dozens more will keep the music flowing all weekend long.

Plant peace. Plant roots. Grow love. Earthdance Florida.


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